Real Estate Agents

Three Rivers Home Inspections and Engineering

Ready to Help Resolve Your Issues

Three Rivers is ready to help resolve issues that arise during normal, day to day real estate market operations:

  • Your new listing has a foundation wall with a horizontal crack. Is that crack structurally significant? Three Rivers will assess the issue and produce a helpful engineering report.
  • Your buyers have chosen a house with sloping floors. Are those floors ok? Three Rivers will perform the home inspection, including an engineering evaluation of the sloping floors. The report will provide a definitive answer.
  • Your buyers chose a home inspector who is not a licensed engineer, and the home inspection report recommends that the shifted brickwork on the right side of the house be further evaluated. The buyers have to have an engineer assess that condition within the home inspection period. Three Rivers will assess that condition and issue a helpful engineering report.

Why call Natalie at Three Rivers to help with these situations?

  • Russ can usually be scheduled well within the allotted timeframe. Over the past 25 years, Russ has never missed an appointment.
  • Russ has West Penn Multilist lockbox access to houses to eliminate the need to attend (you are welcome to attend, of course).
  • The Three Rivers home inspection and engineering reports are issued on a schedule that meets the schedular needs of the ongoing deal (same day, next day, 48 hours, as appropriate).
  • The Three Rivers stand-alone engineering assessment (i.e.,  not a part of a Three Rivers home inspection) is usually priced at less than $700.